New Generation Simulators
Why simulation?
Gaining experience in a secure environment
Zero risk for patients
Training with simulators is an excellent method for extending the experience of specialists at all levels, without any real risk for patients. Various procedures of different nature and complexity are carried out. Each activity and manipulation done by the trainee is recorded by the training system. After a certain procedure has been carried out, the simulator provides a detailed summary to the trainee on his/her performance.
This allows the trainees to direct their efforts towards their weaknesses and improve their skills.
90 hours of intensive work with a simulator generates the same operating experience as 200 operations as an assistant.
Virtual training via simulators has been used for a long time in aviation, car driving, sailing and other fields. Over the last decade simulators have become popular and extremely practical in medicine as well. According to medics the future belongs to the pieces of technology that provides a safer and more effective type of training.
Simulators give us an enormous advantage due to the fact that they are adapted to be used by an inexperienced student, trainee or just for refreshing of techniques, even for a very experienced surgeon, something like a 'warm-up' before entering the operating room. Thus our simulators serve all our target groups from the first steps to reaching the stage of an accomplished and experienced specialist.
High-quality imaging
VirtaMed ArthroS™ prepares trainees for the operating room quickly and effectively. Support your trainees during their arthroscopic training with increasingly complex cases of competency-based training and approved curriculum.
Safe training
VirtaMed GynoS™ provides a structured approach to training, based on increasingly complex cases. Trainees are trained to recognise pathologies and deal with complications, whereas they also have time to ask questions during procedures and analyse assertions. Make sure that your trainees reach a certain level of mastery of obstetrics/gynecology before they could examine real patients.
Precision of execution
VirtaMed UroS™ provides simulation training for TURP, TURB and Thulium laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuLEP) or Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP). Urologists learn how to control surgical instruments and manage complications without inclusion of live patients. Didactic content and expert training videos are an example of best techniques. Individual courses allow for personalised training on urologic surgery.

High degree of effectiveness
Lots of medical training institutions discover that integrating laparoscopic simulation into their curriculum improves both training results and ultimately provides better patient care. You should take advantage of VirtaMed's ten-year experience in preparation and laparoscopic training. Your trainees will enter the operating room with confidence!

We work with confirmed leaders on the world and Bulgarian markets. Putting our trust in them, we guarantee that we are going to reach a wider audience.
About us
We are a reliable partner, as we have proven ourselves in our relationships with Bulgarian Medical Universities and Hospitals.
Our clients' recognition is the greatest prize for us. Right after that comes the awards of excellence by Medical Universities.
Contact us
We will gladly respond to all your enquiries, suggestions or requests for business partnership.
+359 2 981 50 18