VirtaMed ArthroS
- The most realistic arthroscopic simulator with photorealistic images/graphics and passive tactile feedback
- It has been approved for accelerating the acquisition and improvement of arthroscopic skills.
- It reduces the time and costs of training; meanwhile, a skill-based assessment is carried out.
Ergonomic platform
VirtaMed ArthroS™ ergonomic platform is compatible with all modules for orthopedic training on VirtaMed: FAST, Knee, Shoulder, Hip and Ankle. Each module can easily be mounted onto the platform, whereas the switching between different ones can be done within 30 seconds.
Trainees use original instruments/tools – original arthroscope, drill, perforating cutter and shaver. The instruments are supplied with sensors and allow trainees to work with liquids, control the camera, improve their skills and familiarize themselves 0, 30 and 70-degree optics.
The original instruments and anatomically correct plastic models are combined in order to create realistic tactile sensation. With precision of less than a millimeter, the instruments and models are perfectly evened out using virtual reality arthroscopic images/graphics.

Basis of arthroscopic surgery (FAST)
The FAST Module has been developed in cooperation with the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) as part of the mandate of the American Board of Surgery (ABOS) for surgical skills training.
This module speeds up training, based on a competency-based training on arthroscopic skills like image centering, horizon control, telescoping, triangulation and usage of various optics. All advantages of virtual reality simulation have been shown combined with the well-known Sawbones FAST dome.
ArthroS - knee
Therapy cases include meniscus lesions, arthrosis, synovial membrane inflammation (synovitis), loose bodies, torn ACL in chronic and sub-acute patients. Additional diagnostic pathologies include various meniscus lesions, arthrosis I-IV degree and synovitis.
The improved therapy module for ACL reconstruction includes diagnosis of torn ACL, removal of the damaged ligament.
Expertly designed and approved by society courses include the ones that are jointly developed in cooperation with the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA).

Възстановяване на менискус
Модулът за поправка на менискуса е допълнително надграждане към модула за коляно ArthroS™ Knee. Той се състои от обучително съдържание, за да може да се практикуват и извършват редица техники за поправка на увреден менискус. Модулът е проектиран в сътрудничество с проф. по медицина - Prof. Dr. med. Romain Seil, един от водещите хирурзи в тази научна област.
ArthroS - shoulder
The VirtaMed Shoulder Module supports various positions, as well as realistic joint movements, just like in the operating room. Trainees practise navigation across shoulder with 15-point exam on shoulder and the subsequent therapy cases enable them to improve their newly acquired skills on various shoulder pathologies, including SLAP and Bankart lesions, PASTA tears, synovial membrane inflammation, shocks etc. We even have a module designed for training for treatment of the most wanted procedures, i.e. rotator cuff repair.
A collection of expertly designed and approved courses, including courses developed in cooperation with the Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA), provide the trainees with solid foundations in arthroscopy.

Възстановяване на ротаторния маншон
Модулът за поправка на ротаторния маншон е допълнение към модула за рамо ArthroS™ Shoulder и съдържа допълнителни инструменти, необходими за извършване на едноредова или двуредова поправка на ротаторния маншон. Случаите са изготвени в сътрудничество със Северноамериканската асоциация по артроскопия - Arthroscopy Association of North America (AANA) и използва тренировъчен модел, базиран на прогресивна компетентност.
ArthroS - pelvis
With the help of simulation, you can learn all basic things about the hips in a risk-free environment and make trainees master all these skills prior to entering the operating room.
It provides the complete clinical experience with real surgical instruments, replaceable pelvic/hip implants, flexion of the hip joint and rotation of the hip bone, friction of joints and ability of palpitating of bone pegs. The new function of fluoroscopy without radiation of VirtaMed ArthroS™ Hip allows you to train correct points of access without additional costs of traditional fluoroscopic imaging or unnecessary radiation exposure.
After mastering the foundations of arthroscopy of the hip joint, therapy cases provide trainees with the opportunity to practise newly acquired skills on various pathologies of hip joint, including labral and cartilage lesions, a hit on the hump, synovial inflammation etc.

ArthroS - ankle
Considering the inherent difficulty of ankle arthroscopy, the simulation is a wonderful risk-free tool for training. The ArthroS™ Ankle Module supports recumbent patients and rear (supine) positioning, as well as the opportunity of visualizing the front and rear aspects of the left ankle joint.
Basic tutorials and guided diagnostic tours are used in order to develop trainees' instrumental skills and to teach them how to identify key indicators in the ankle. Therapy cases provide trainees with the opportunity to practise their newly acquired skills on various ankle pathologies, including frontal hit, cartilage defects, synovitis etc.