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Virtamed GynoS
- It covers the whole range of training on obstetrics and gynecology: from obstetric ultrasound to hysteroscopy, embryo transfer and IUD insertion.
- Approved for accelerating the training process and improving trainees' performance.
- Provides the most realistic training environment with photorealistic imaging/graphics and natural haptic feedback.
- Reduces the time and costs of training via skill-based training and assessment.
Ergonomic platform
The ergonomic platform is compatible with all training for obstetrics/gynecology, as well as with other specialities/subjects of VirtaMed, such as orthopedics and urology, which makes it a universal training tool.
Original instruments and anatomically correct pelvic models are combined for creating of realistic tactile sensation.
Sub-millimitre tracking of instruments and modules are perfectly equalized with arthroscopic virtual reality graphics/imaging. The module contains replaceable modules for complete training.on obstetrics/gynecology: transvaginal and transabdominal ultrasound scan, hysteroscopy, embryo transfer and IUD insertion.
High-precision images are taken, containing anatomical structures, pathologies and complications.
Portable platform
The portable platform is a lighter and more compact version of the complete platform GynoS™. As it can be easily transported in two luggage boxes, the portable platform is an ideal solution for training on various sites.
It contains an anatomically correct pelvic model and tracked instruments according to the module platform.

ASRM Embryo Transfer
- Learning the three different procedural protocols and the advantages of each one of them.
- Working with catheter and ultrasound drill.
- Navigating across cervical channels with increasing complexity.
- Embryo transfer with or without ultrasound control.
- Training on techniques for identifying the anatomy of the uterus and optimal visualization.
- Team training for improving communication and effectiveness
IUD insertion
Various training cases teach doctors how to safely insert intrauterine devices (IUD) in anteverted or retroverted uteruses, together with cases of parous and nulliparous patients. Repeated (multiple) cases help trainees to quickly master the necessary motor skills, while safely working with and correctly inserting the implants. Once again, the patient's comfort scale gives immediate feedback on safety and quality of the procedure. Overview images and indicator tools guide the trainee during the initial positions. After that, all procedures are recorded and can be viewed and discussed.

1st Trimester Transvaginal Obstetric Ultrasound
Realistic tactile sensation of the transvaginal drill facilitates the skills transfer from the ultrasound simulator to the patient. Focusing on the age of the embryo/fetus between 5 and 12 weeks, trainees learn to assess the vitality of the embryo from the 1st trimester, including pregnancies with unknown location and extrauterine pregnancy.
Transabdominal obstetric ultrasound 2nd trimester
The ultrasound simulator VirtaMed provides the most systematic approach to fetal examination in the 1st and 2nd trimesters. It is supplied with its own drill, which allows for free navigation across the whole stomach/abdomen; whereas the simulation experience is as close as possible to the one in real life. Trainees can practise with more than 100 cases, different fetal positions, different placenta positions and Doppler. The age of the fetus varies between 10 and 26 weeks.

It can accelerate the training of students and trainees with various pathologies and cases at all levels of difficulty. The hysteroscopy GynoS™ provides comprehensive and risk-free training on endoscopy, whereas students use original medical instruments for treatment of virtual fibroids, identifying swollen/enlarged uterus, how to work safely with the loop electrode and roller for resection, coagulation and ablation of the endometrium. For the more experienced trainees there are patients with more serious gynecological pathologies, including multiple polyps, intramural fibroids, uterine adhesions or blocked uterus. In a risk-free environment, ensured by the simulation, even more modern endoscopic methods/techniques can be taught. For example, decreasing the inflow of liquids leads to reduction of swelling in uterus, which allows the intramural parts of the fibroids to enlarge naturally in the cavity for better resection.
Intrauterine tissue removal
One of the most common procedures, the VirtaMed MyoSure® module for tissue removal prepares you for safe and effective removal of fibroids, polyps and myomas from the inside of the uterus. Students acquire experience by correctly utilizing the device and range of MyoSure®, as well as using the pressure pump. With sixteen different cases at various complexity levels, trainees get the chance to progress at their own pace and master the basics before getting involved in the clinical practice.